
Overview and Objectives The third Technical Assistance and Support Contract (TASC3) is a worldwide, rapid-procurement vehicle that supported USAID Missions and Bureaus in the implementation of their Strategic Objectives pertaining to child health, maternal health, nutrition, population, HIV/AIDS, and other infectious diseases. As a part of TASC3, URC implemented these task orders:
Overview and Objectives Evaluated a cost-effective method to build capacity among non-physician clinicians in sub-Saharan Africa for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. A comprehensive surveillance system of 36 health facilities and their patients measured the impact of a novel package of classroom training, distance learning, and on-site support services on individual competence, facility...
Improved the nutritional and health status of people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS by integrated nutrition into HIV/AIDS services at the health facility and community levels. The project’s primary target groups are HIV-positive adults, pregnant and lactating women, and orphans and vulnerable children...
Overview and Objectives Provided technical assistance in six countries to monitor and evaluate programmatic data with The Global Fund’s Data Quality Audit (DQA) Tool. The tool helps Global Fund programs check that appropriate data management systems are in place, verify the quality of reported data for key indicators at sites, and use findings to identify...
HCI directly examined how neglected health care processes function and developed practical ways to help health workers and managers improve them. HCI provided global technical leadership and expertise to improve health care delivery and health workforce capacity and performance in USAID-assisted countries...
HealthPRO was USAID’s lead vehicle for providing technical assistance in health promotion and communication to the Philippine Department of Health, local government units, and others in promoting and sustaining healthy behaviors related to maternal, neonatal, and child health and nutrition; family planning, TB, and HIV/AIDS...
This community-based malaria control and prevention project aims to reduce (drug-resistant) malaria in western Cambodia. Funded by USAID's Regional Development Mission for Asia (USAID/RDMA), the project provides technical assistance and support to the Cambodian National Malaria Control Program (NMCP)...
Researched potential demand for diagnostics of high morbidity and mortality diseases—HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia, and acute lower respiratory illness—in several developing countries. The research examined issues surrounding the use of diagnostic tests: consumer willingness to use and pay for them, health care providers and program managers’ perceptions of their effectiveness, and factors...
Provided Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance (MSPAS) with support to increase coverage and improve the quality of services for maternal and child health, family planning and reproductive health, nutrition, and the prevention and control of infectious diseases. The project provided technical support to MSPAS to apply evidence-based guidelines, improve quality, and institutionalize continuous...
The second Technical Assistance and Support Contract (TASC2) was a worldwide rapid-procurement vehicle that supported USAID Missions and Bureaus in the implementation of their Strategic Objectives pertaining to child health, maternal health and nutrition, population, HIV/AIDS, and infectious diseases.

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