ANCRE supported USAID/Benin’s Integrated Family Health Program to improve the quality and coverage of the Government of Benin’s Package of High-Impact Interventions in both the public and private sectors. It strengthened the capacity of central, regional, and zonal partners to deliver an integrated package...
Ghana’s health systems and health workforce, in direct partnership with the communities they serve, will be able to sustain equitable access to, demand for, and use of high-quality, high-impact health services with reduced external support, especially in the five targeted regions...
URC partnered with CH2M HILL to strengthen Iraq’s and Afghanistan’s biosecurity capacity to identify and respond to biological and chemical threats. We provided support to the local project teams to assess and enhance capacity to increase detection and diagnosis and report on infectious disease outbreaks. Objectives were: Identify and address gaps in human and animal public...
ASSIST built on the work of the USAID Health Care Improvement Project. ASSIST operated in over 40 countries, supporting quality improvement efforts for HIV and AIDS, MNCH, malaria, tuberculosis, Zika, orphans and vulnerable children, and non-communicable disease services at both facility and community levels...
The CAP-Malaria Project aimed to prevent malaria and contain the spread of multi-drug resistant Pf malaria in the Greater Mekong Subregion, specifically in Cambodia, Myanmar, and Thailand. Pf is the most common and deadliest parasite that causes malaria...
TB CARE II complemented existing and planned projects in the USAID Bureau for Global Health to provide leadership and support to national TB programs (NTPs) and other in-country partners. The project accelerated the implementation of TB directly observed treatment, short course (DOTS)...
PrevenSida is an innovative USAID project that supported research and implementation to increase healthy behavior among key populations at higher risk of HIV infection and reduce HIV transmission by increasing condom use, access to counseling, HIV testing promotion, and reducing the number of sexual partners...
URC worked with the Ugandan Ministry of Health (MoH) to ensure continued provision and sustainable scale-up of comprehensive HIV and AIDS services for people living with HIV and AIDS (PLHA) at 10 regional referral and six general hospitals across the country...
URC worked with Ghana’s National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) to strengthen malaria prevention and control and expand successful malaria interventions nationwide...
Increased demand for and equitable access to quality health services. Built the capacity of public and private service delivery systems; expanded models for health financing; improved the quality and impact of maternal, neonatal and child health services; and strengthened the control of infectious diseases...