The Challenge The Georgian health system is rapidly undertaking several policy and programmatic changes, including large-scale privatization of health care infrastructure, such as general hospitals and primary care facilities. Within this changing system, reduce the number of TB and MDR-TB cases in Georgia. Overview and Objectives URC worked to reduce the number of TB cases...
Created a referral network to ensure that women of color living with HIV and AIDS in Cumberland County, NJ have access to and continue to be actively engaged in quality treatment and care. The project was implemented for the HIV/AIDS Bureau, Special Projects of National Significance Program.
[pods]{@ID,get_the_post_thumbnail_caption}[/pods] Overview and Objectives Building on the efforts of the Tanzanian Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW) to address the high under five morbidity and mortality rate in the Lake Zone (which is closely linked to the lack of successful child survival interventions, including malaria control efforts in the region), the USAID Diagnosis and...
URC supported the Ministry of Health (MoH) to strengthen the delivery of quality primary health care (PHC) services throughout Iraq. The project focused on developing management systems and processes for delivering clinical care, improving the quality of primary care, and building effective community partnerships...
Provided support services to the National Institutes of Health and other federal agencies requiring domestic and international meeting and conference management, travel services, and associated administrative support for the Office of Logistics & Acquisition Operations.
Accelerated delivery of proven, low-cost child health interventions in three health zones in the Benin departments of Collines and Atlantique.
TB CARE II complemented existing and planned projects in the USAID Bureau for Global Health to provide leadership and support to national TB programs (NTPs) and other in-country partners. The project accelerated the implementation of TB directly observed treatment, short course (DOTS)...
PrevenSida is an innovative USAID project that supported research and implementation to increase healthy behavior among key populations at higher risk of HIV infection and reduce HIV transmission by increasing condom use, access to counseling, HIV testing promotion, and reducing the number of sexual partners...
Overview and Objectives The project’s primary objective was to strengthen HIV and TB surveillance and control in the Central American region. URC provided technical support to Ministries of Health to improve TB case management; strengthen lab capacity in TB and HIV; improve HIV counseling and testing, particularly provider-initiated testing and counseling; and strengthen the use...
The Challenge Implement quality improvement approaches in nutrition and HIV/AIDS activities in select country programs. Overview and Objectives Strengthened and improved the quality of nutrition care and support services provided at clinical and community HIV care and treatment delivery points by applying iterative and participatory collaborative improvement approaches. Achievements Conducted a situational assessment to develop...