
Overview and Objectives The Strengthening Community Safety Nets Project (SCSN), managed by ChildFund International with partners URC and Christian Children’s Fund of Canada (now known as Children Believe), promoted the healthy child development of 50,000 children and assisting 8500 primary and secondary caregivers in the Addis Ababa and Oromia regions through comprehensive, family-centered, and child-focused care and support services....
Provided technical assistance to adapt URC’s infant and young child feeding (IYCF) materials to the Malawian context. The project provided expertise in developing stakeholder consensus on adaptations, provision of technical content recommendations and adaptation of images, text, and messages. URC also worked with UNICEF/New York and Nutritional Policy and Practice, LLP, to develop a generic...
HCI directly examined how neglected health care processes function and developed practical ways to help health workers and managers improve them. HCI provided global technical leadership and expertise to improve health care delivery and health workforce capacity and performance in USAID-assisted countries...
HealthPRO was USAID’s lead vehicle for providing technical assistance in health promotion and communication to the Philippine Department of Health, local government units, and others in promoting and sustaining healthy behaviors related to maternal, neonatal, and child health and nutrition; family planning, TB, and HIV/AIDS...
Developed an interactive, breastfeeding training curriculum to address the core competencies needed by those who, throughout the continuum of care, provided community-based breastfeeding leadership, training, and education at the local agency level in the WIC Program. This project was implemented for the Food and Nutrition Service.
Conducted research in Tanzania to investigate the feasibility of using flash-heating, a pasteurization technique, to kill HIV in breast milk without reducing the milk’s protective qualities. The study also investigated whether female community health workers could take the place of overburdened clinic staff to provide training to HIV-positive mothers who choose to use this new...
The Challenge PISAF sought to improve the health status of the Beninese through collaboration with the Benin Ministry of Health Directorate for Maternal and Child Health (DSME), non-governmental organizations, government agencies, donors, other USAID projects, communities, and the private sector. The project’s activities supported the Government’s national policies and strategies and USAID’s health objective: to...
Provided Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance (MSPAS) with support to increase coverage and improve the quality of services for maternal and child health, family planning and reproductive health, nutrition, and the prevention and control of infectious diseases. The project provided technical support to MSPAS to apply evidence-based guidelines, improve quality, and institutionalize continuous...
Overview and Objectives URC participated in a 12-month multi-country evaluation of three models of providing HIV testing and counseling (HTC) in outpatient department (OPD) settings. URC conducted the South Africa portion of the evaluation entitled Strengthening HIV Test Access and Treatment Uptake Study (Project STATUS). From 2006 to 2011, URC worked with the national and...
Overview and Objectives Improve the nutritional status of mothers, infants, and young children and the HIV-free survival of children. Focus on proven interventions that are effective from the start of pregnancy through the first two years of life. Provide technical assistance in monitoring and evaluation, quality improvement, HIV and infant feeding training, and job aid...

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