HIV/AIDS Innovate, Evaluate, and Disseminate Project

The Challenge

  • Identifying critical knowledge gaps in response to HIV and AIDS and conduct formative research, operations research, and evaluations to inform programming and policies;
  • Developing and implementing a data dissemination plan and incorporate findings into programmatic recommendations for most at-risk populations and people living with HIV/AIDS in Cambodia; and
  • Strengthen local partner capacity to conduct and implement research and evaluation activities.

Overview and Objectives

Supported evaluation, operations research, and assessment of US government-supported HIV/AIDS activities in Cambodia. The project assessed and evaluated innovations in HIV programs, disseminating findings for decision making and for building the international evidence base for HIV programs in concentrated epidemic settings, and built the capacity of a local research institution to conduct assessments and evaluations.

Objectives included:

  • Achieve and maintain universal coverage of at-risk populations with proven vector control and case management interventions, while promoting the testing of new tools and approaches
  • Strengthen the malaria surveillance system to comprehensively monitor progress and inform the deployment and targeting of appropriate responses and strategies
  • Enhance technical and operational capacity of the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) and other health service providers at all levels of service provision
  • Promote the involvement of communities, private healthcare providers, private companies and state-owned enterprises in malaria control and elimination initiatives






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